Everyday Carry (EDC) has become a ubiquitous selling point for magic tricks today. You’ll find it in ads and videos marketing the latest gadgets, downloads, and tricks.
In the past before close up magic became close up magic, stuff magicians carried was simply called pocket tricks. If you think about it, EDC is another term for pocket tricks.
Eugene Burger had a lecture he delivered periodically about what magic he carried in his wallet. I suppose it was his EDC.

So what magic effects did he carry? I don’t know if this list is comprehensive but here’s what is in my notes:
- Three-Card Monte: I recall he performed the version from Vernon’s Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic
- Max Maven’s modern classic B‘wave
- The Paul Curry Swindle Switch: Eugene’s routine was published in Teaching Magic – a book I reviewed here last year and sadly out of print.
- The Twenty-First Century Bill Transposition: This effect was a constant in his repertoire as well as one that was constantly evolving. His last version was “Eugene’s Final Transposition” also found in Teaching Magic.
- Accentuate the Positive: Bryce Kuhlman’s improved version of Max Maven’s Positive/Negative found in the final posthumous book,The Workshop Transcripts. Bryce’s description is in the Mystery School book which I also reviewed here.
- The Marked Card: This was Eugene’s version of Harry Lorayne’s The Moving Pencil.” This can be found in Final Secrets.
- Out of this World: Eugene used his handling of U.F. Grant’s Nu-Way Out of this World. I believe he explained it on the L&L DVD Exploring Magical Presentations.
- Card Warp: of course!
That’s a lot of great magic in a little space. Of course his pack of playing cards was carried in a short or jacket pocket. It inspired me to create my own wallet collection.
So, what’s in your wallet?